Terms and Conditions
Terms & Conditions
These terms and conditions are fairly standard and common sense BUT you should read them all for your benefit
Any one entering the studio WILL be required to sanitise their hands - this is due to the number of viruses and illnesses constantly present in the community and to try and protect us all
If your child is generally unwell it would also be sensible NOT to bring them to class. They will probably not enjoy themselves and may spread whatever illness they have to others attending, which is very unfair.
Class sizes are usually restricted to a maximum of 6 children
We ask that you arrive in a timely manner for your child’s class. Please allow space for other parents/guardians/ building users to enter and exit the class and/or building safely.
​​For all classes at any time, we ask that your child has been to the toilet and thoroughly washed their hands beforehand. Due to the layout of the main building, for safety reasons children will not be allowed to leave the classroom unaccompanied to visit the toilet. Specfic approval must be given to allow them to leave with a friend/class buddy. During a 3 hour session, a break may be taken mid way and all the children will be accompanied to the toilets at the same time. The toilets can be found down the corridor from the class, through the double set of doors and then are situated on the left, these facilities are cleaned by the building management team.​
Holiday Classes
All craft materials are included in the class fee. If it is necessary for you to bring additional materials this will be noted in the class details.
Children are welcome to bring a drink in a sealed drink container and snack with them. If you have booked a full day class you will need to send a packed lunch with your child too. Should there be any children attending that have allergies, where necessary you will be notified and requested not to bring products containing those ingredients. Your co-operation in this is essential.
Invoices will be sent upon receipt of your booking form for direct payment transfer to our bank account. Please organise your payment by the due date noted on the invoice. Full payment is required in advance of the class to guarantee your place. Invoices not paid in a timely manner may result in the place being reallocated.
If you cancel
If you should have to cancel your place in a holiday class then the following cancellation charges will apply as time and expenses will have been incurred in planning classes:
Cancellation 7+ days before class date: £5 admin fee.
​Cancellation less than 7 days before class date: £10 admin fee.
Cancellation less than 2 days before class date: no refund
Cancellation of a class that you have requested we set up : no refund
If we cancel
In the unlikely event of us needing to cancel a class, we will give as much notice as we can and where possible offer you a place in another class. If this alternative is not suitable for any reason then we will refund all fees However, please note that we cannot accept responsibility for any other costs you may have incurred or arrangements that you may have made in relation to the original booking.
All Weekly After School Classes
Classes will be offered for a block booking of 5 weeks. Children will need to attend the same day session in the block booking, they cannot attend on different days eg. they will need to attend all 5 Mondays, not a Monday one week and then Tuesdays thereafter. All craft materials are included in the class fee. If it is necessary for you to bring additional materials this will be noted in the class details.
Invoices will be sent upon receipt of your booking form for direct payment transfer to our bank account. Please organise your payment by the due date noted on the invoice. Full payment is required in advance of the class to guarantee your place. Invoices not paid in a timely manner may result in the place being reallocated.
If you cancel
If you should have to cancel your place in a 5 week class booking, then the following cancellation charges will apply as time and expenses will have been incurred in planning classes:
Cancellation 7+ days before 1st class date: £15 admin fee.
Cancellation less than 7 days before 1st class date: £25 admin fee.
​Cancellation on or after 1st class start date: no refund
If your child is unable to attend a weekly class for any reason NO refund will be given (holiday, illness, party, other commitment etc.)
If we cancel
In the unlikely event of us needing to cancel a class, we will give as much notice as we can and where possible offer you a place in another class. If this alternative is not suitable for any reason then we will refund a proportion of the fees (i.e. one class cancelled = 20% fee refund). However, please note that we cannot accept responsibility for any other costs you may have incurred or arrangements that you may have made in relation to the original booking.
Rebooking Weekly Classes
Priority for the next block booking of weekly classes will be given to the children already in the class. You will have a limited amount of time to let us know if you wish to continue, accept and pay before these places are made available to other children.
​​Outside the studio Events at Elm Farm Cafe and The Yurt Cafe etc
These classes will be available on a "pay as you go" basis for children age approx 2 to 11.
Pre-Booking is still required to ensure we have seating capacity in the cafe
Bookings are accepted up to 7.00 pm the evening before the class. Payment must be made upon receipt of invoice.
You will need to stay with your child and assist them with the activities.
All craft materials are included in the class fee. If it is necessary for you to bring additional materials this will be noted in the class details.
All children who attend elm Farm Cafe and The Yurt Cafe must have a guardian/parent in the near vicinity, they should not leave the premises.
Full payment is required in advance of the class to guarantee your place. Invoices not paid in a timely manner may result in the place being reallocated.
If you cancel
If you should have to cancel your place on an outside event class booking, then the following cancellation charges will apply as time and expenses will have been incurred in planning classes:
Cancellation 7+ days before class date: £5 admin fee.
Cancellation less than 7 days before class date: no refund.
If we cancel
In the unlikely event of us needing to cancel a class, we will give as much notice as we can and will refund the fee. However, please note that we cannot accept responsibility for any other costs you may have incurred or arrangements that you may have made in relation to the original booking.
Monday Evening Social
​These classes will be available on a "pay as you go" basis for children age 11 -16.
Pre-Booking is required to ensure we have seating capacity in the studio
A minimum of 3 bookings is necessary for the session to take place
Bookings are accepted up to 7.00pm the evening before the class. Payment must be made upon receipt of invoice.
A parent/guardian is not required stay in the class.
It is expected that all craft materials will be included in the session fee. However they may be occasions where an additional fee may be due and this will be notified in advance.
Invoices will be sent upon receipt of your booking form, or confirmation for returning children, for direct payment transfer to our bank account. Please organise your payment by the due date noted on the invoice. Full payment is required in advance of the session to guarantee your place. Invoices not paid in a timely manner may result in the place being reallocated.
If you cancel
If you should have to cancel your place in a Monday evening session, then the following cancellation charges will apply as time and expenses will have been incurred in planning sessions:
Cancellation 7+ days before session date: £5 admin fee.
Cancellation less than 7 days before session date: no refund.
If we cancel
In the unlikely event of us needing to cancel a session, we will give as much notice as we can and will refund the fee. However, please note that we cannot accept responsibility for any other costs you may have incurred or arrangements that you may have made in relation to the original booking.
Saturday Craft Time
"Pay as you go"
Craft time will be available on selected Saturdays, generally once a month, on a "pay as you go" basis for children age 5+. Pre- Booking is still required to ensure we have seating capacity in the studio and contact details for safety.
Bookings are accepted up to 7.00pm the evening before the session. Payment must be made upon receipt of invoice.
There will be NO toilet breaks. Please take your child before entering the studio
Ideally all children should be confident to stay on their own, without a parent/guardian in class. However if absolutely necessary, a short settling in period is allowed.
All craft materials are included in the class fee.
Invoices will be sent upon receipt of your booking form (email for returning children) for direct payment transfer to our bank account. Please organise your payment by the due date noted on the invoice.
Full payment is required in advance of the class to guarantee your place. Invoices not paid in a timely manner may result in the place being reallocated.
If you cancel
If you should have to cancel your place on a Saturday session, then the following cancellation charges will apply as time and expenses will have been incurred in planning classes:
Cancellation 7+ days before class date: £5 admin fee.
Cancellation less than 7 days before class date: no refund.
If we cancel
In the unlikely event of us needing to cancel a class, we will give as much notice as we can and will refund the fee. However, please note that we cannot accept responsibility for any other costs you may have incurred or arrangements that you may have made in relation to the original booking.
Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday Sewing Classes
Children need to be aged 7+ to attend Sew Time.
All craft materials in the studio are included in the class fee.
We DO NOT source and supply any specific materials that you wish to have for a project, these will need to be purchased by you
If it is necessary for you to bring additional materials this will be noted in the class details.
Pre- Booking is required to ensure we have seating capacity in the studio and contact details for safety.
Bookings are accepted up to 7.00pm the evening before the session. Payment must be made upon receipt of invoice.
Bookings will be accepted for one session or two sessions.
Children are welcome to bring a drink in a sealed drink container and snack with them. Should there be any children attending that have allergies, where necessary you will be notified and requested not to bring products containing those ingredients. Your co-operation in this is essential.
Children who bring in their own sewing machines and supplies, do so at their own risk. We will not be held responsible for any problems, losses or damages.
Those who bring in their own machines and supplies should check before attending that they are in good working order before arriving
An invoice will be sent upon receipt of your booking form for direct payment transfer to our bank account. Please organise your payment by the due date noted on the invoice. Full payment is required in advance of the class to guarantee your place. Invoices not paid in a timely manner may result in the place being reallocated.
If you cancel
If you should have to cancel your place on a Sew Time session, then the following cancellation charges will apply as time and expenses will have been incurred in planning classes:
Cancellation 7+ days before class date: £5 admin fee.
Cancellation less than 7 days before class date: no refund.
If we cancel
In the unlikely event of us needing to cancel a class, we will give as much notice as we can and where possible offer you a place in another class. If this alternative is not suitable for any reason then we will refund all fees However, please note that we cannot accept responsibility for any other costs you may have incurred or arrangements that you may have made in relation to the original booking.
1:1 Classes
One to one classes on a frequent or ad hoc basis may be arranged subject to availability and requirements.
Generally the materials will be included in the class fee, although it may be necessary for you to bring additional materials or equipment depending on the lesson style chosen.
An invoice will be sent upon receipt of your booking form for direct payment transfer to our bank account. Please organise your payment by the due date noted on the invoice.
Full payment is required in advance of the class. Invoices not paid in a timely manner may result in the class being cancelled.
1:1 classes will be invoiced per each class date.
If you cancel
If you should have to cancel your place in a 1:1 class for any reason NO refund will be given (holiday, illness, party, other commitment etc.)
If we cancel
In the unlikely event of us needing to cancel a 1:1 class, we will give as much notice as we can and where possible offer you another date.. If this alternative is not suitable for any reason then we will refund the full class fee. However, please note that we cannot accept responsibility for any other costs you may have incurred or arrangements that you may have made in relation to the original booking.
Craft Parties
All craft materials are generally included in the party fee. There are a few parties activities where you will be asked to source and supply items. We will discuss what format and style the party will take and any additional requirements necessary will be advised to you.
A non-refundable deposit of 25% is required to secure the booking and full payment is required 3 weeks in advance of the party date.
Bookings made and accepted within 3 weeks of the party date will need to be paid in full at the time of booking.
An invoice will be sent upon receipt of your booking form for direct payment transfer to our bank account. Please organise your payment by the due date noted on the invoice.
Please note that only the number of children booked to the party will be allowed to attend for safety and insurance purposes. e.g. siblings or extra friends will not be permitted to stay.
A party host parent/guardian may stay if they wish, but will not be obliged to do so, unless there are special circumstances that warrant their attendance.
The studio does not have capacity for guardians of party guests to stay during the party time.
At weekends they may wait in the corridor in an orderly manner. The Mayford Centre is home to many businesses and particularly in the week days, it would be appreciated if you would act in a courteous manner to avoid disrupting them.
If you cancel
If you should have to cancel your child’s party then the following cancellation charges will apply as time and expenses will have been incurred in planning the party:
Cancellation 21+ days before party date: 25% of party fee.
Cancellation 10 -20 days before party date: 50% of party fee
​Cancellation less than 10 days before party date: 100% of party fee.
At our discretion we may however, if required, endeavour to find an alternative date, suitable to all of us, to avoid disappointment for your child, although this may not be possible.
If we cancel
In the unlikely event of us needing to cancel a party, we will give as much notice as we can and where possible offer you another date. If this alternative is not suitable for any reason then all fees will be refunded. However, please note that we cannot accept responsibility for any other costs you may have incurred or arrangements that you may have made in relation to the original booking.
Adult Crafternoon Classes
Most craft materials are included in the class fee, there may be additional charges for some resources. If it is necessary for you to bring additional materials this will be noted in the class details.
Pre- Booking is preferred to ensure we have seating capacity in the studio and contact details for safety.
An invoice will be sent upon receipt of your booking form for direct payment transfer to our bank account. Please organise your payment by the due date noted on the invoice.
If you cancel
If you should have to cancel your place, then the following cancellation charges will apply as time and expenses will have been incurred in planning classes:
Cancellation 7+ days before Monday class date: £5 admin fee.
Cancellation less than 7 days before Monday class date: no refund
If we cancel
In the unlikely event of us needing to cancel a class, we will give as much notice as we can and where possible offer you a place in another class. If this alternative is not suitable for any reason then we will refund all fees However, please note that we cannot accept responsibility for any other costs you may have incurred or arrangements that you may have made in relation to the original booking.
Workshops in the Studio
All craft materials are included in the workshop fee.
An invoice will be sent upon receipt of your booking form for direct payment transfer to our bank account. Please organise your payment by the due date noted on the invoice.
Please note that children can only attend the Adult and Child workshops when accompanied by a paying adult. And Adults can only attend the Family Craft events when accompanied by a child!
If you cancel
If you should have to cancel then the following cancellation charges will apply as time and expenses will have been incurred in planning the workshop:
Cancellation 21+ days before workshop date: £15 admin fee
Cancellation 10 -20 days before workshop date: £25 admin fee
​Cancellation less than 10 days before workshop date: 100% of fee.
If we cancel
In the unlikely event of us needing to cancel a workshop, we will give as much notice as we can and where possible offer you another date. If this alternative is not suitable for any reason then all fees will be refunded. However, please note that we cannot accept responsibility for any other costs you may have incurred or arrangements that you may have made in relation to the original booking.
Workshops outside the Studio
All craft materials are included in the workshop fee. We will have discussed the type of event and activity required.
The activity will be prepped prior to the event day.
An invoice will be sent upon receipt of your booking confirmation for direct payment transfer to our bank account. Please organise your payment by the due date noted on the invoice.
If you cancel
If you should have to cancel then the following cancellation charges will apply as time and expenses will have been incurred in planning the workshop:
Cancellation 21+ days before workshop date: max £100 fee
Cancellation 10 -20 days before workshop date: max 50% of fee
Cancellation less than 10 days before workshop date: 100% of fee
We will not be obliged to rearrange the event for an alternative date, as there are many pre- booked commitments filling the diary
If we cancel
In the unlikely event of us needing to cancel a workshop, we will give as much notice as we can and where possible arrange for the prepped activities to be delivered to your venue so that you can continue with the craft, A refund less the cost of materials and a charge for the time taken to prep them, will be arranged. Please note that some prep time and materials may actually equate to the full cost and also that we cannot accept responsibility for any other costs you may have incurred or arrangements that you may have made in relation to the original booking.
Additional Notes
Please arrive promptly for the start of your child’s booked class and at the end to collect them. We recommend you arrive no more than 5 minutes before the start time.
​If you arrive very early for your class we cannot guarantee to be in the Studio, let you have access to the Studio and/or take responsibility for your child before the class start time
If you expect to be early you may request if it is possible to make arrangements for an early drop off, but a fee will be charged and must be paid in advance of arrival
Ensure your child has been to the bathroom and thoroughly washed their hands before class – there will be a bathroom break if necessary in the 3 hour sessions, the full class will be accompanied all together. No child will be allowed to leave the classroom unaccompanied to visit the bathroom or for any reason, due to the open layout of the building. You will need to give specific approval permission for your child if you are happy for them to visit the bathroom alone/with a friend.
Please ensure your child knows who will be collecting them at the end of the class. They will not be allowed to leave with anyone that they are not expecting to collect them.
We will be using craft tools, which may include scissors, needles, hammers, screwdrivers, craft and kitchen knives, glue guns, irons etc. Whilst we will set out safety rules in the class and expect the children to adhere to them, accidents may occur. Basic first aid will be given; you will be called to attend if necessary.
We will be using products that may be messy and will provide aprons, however we ask that you do not send you child in clothes where this could be a problem
If your child has a problem in class, is not following rules and/or is making the class unsafe for the other children you will be called and asked to collect them immediately.
If your child would prefer you to stay with them for a short period of time in the class just to settle in, that can be arranged, you will then stay in an assist capacity and help your child.
If you have attended a class before and your email booking request has been acknowledged, we may suggest direct transfer of funds to our account. Please arrange payment within 48 hours. If you do wish to have an invoice that can be arranged
If you should cancel any class and we allow transfer of the booking to an alternative date, then you cancel the new date, the cancellation terms and conditions will be applied to the original booked date​
** IMPORTANT ** Please let us know if you DO NOT want you or your child to be in any photos that we take. These photos may be used on our website, Google, Facebook and Instagram accounts. We will not include any names and we respectfully ask that if you should share the photos, that you do not tag names either.
Any data provided to us will not be sold or shared with anyone else (except emergency services if required)
if you have completed a booking form we will retain the information so that you can just email us should you wish to re-book in the future. Please however update us of any changes that may have occurred.
if you have consented for us to send you newsletters or updates of new classes as they are released, you may opt out of this agreement at any time by emailing tania@strawberrypatchcrafters.com and your name will be removed from the circulation list.
When you book a class you will be sent an invoice electronically, any account details you use to pay this are not disclosed to us.